Your Questions Answered: Fast Track Hypnosis for Bedwetting

Your Questions Answered: Fast Track Hypnosis for Bedwetting

Bed wetting is a common issue among young children in Northern Ireland, typically resolved as they grow older. However, for some children, it can persist, causing embarrassment and stress.

Often, it’s not just a matter of the child “growing out of it”; bed wetting can be linked to various factors such as deep sleep, delayed bladder maturation, hormonal issues, or even emotional stress.

While traditional approaches for managing bed wetting, such as fluid restriction and nocturnal alarms, can provide some relief, they don’t always address the issue. Here is where Fast Track Hypnosis emerges as a potential solution. A form of therapy that works with the subconscious mind, Fast Track Hypnosis with Alan Gilchrist can help address underlying issues and promote long-term change.

What is bed wetting and why does it happen?

Bed wetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis, is a common childhood condition where a child, usually over the age of five, involuntarily urinates during sleep. It is most often a natural part of a child’s development and should not be a cause for alarm. However, when bed wetting persists or starts suddenly in a child who previously had control over their bladder at night, it can be a source of concern and stress.

The multiple causes for bed wetting

  • Deep Sleep: Some children sleep so deeply that they don’t wake up when their bladder is full.
  • • Slow Bladder Development: In some children, the bladder might be developmentally slower, meaning it can’t hold urine for an entire night.
  • • Hormonal Factors: The body produces a hormone called antidiuretic hormone (ADH) that slows down urine production at night. Some children might not produce enough ADH, leading to increased urine production during sleep.
  • • Stress and Emotional Issues: Changes or events that cause stress, such as moving to a new house, a new sibling, or troubles at school, can lead to bed wetting.
  • • Medical Conditions: Though less common, certain medical conditions such as urinary tract infections, constipation, or type 1 diabetes can cause bed wetting.

It’s important to note that bed wetting is involuntary and children do not do it on purpose. It’s also not a sign of laziness or defiance. Understanding the reasons behind bed wetting can provide a compassionate perspective and lay the groundwork for effective solutions, such as Fast Track Hypnosis.


How can Fast Track Hypnosis help with bedwetting?

Fast Track Hypnosis plays a unique role in addressing bed wetting issues. As a form of therapy, it directly communicates with the subconscious mind, which is a powerful driver of our habits and behaviours, including bodily functions like bladder control.

During Fast Track Hypnosis sessions, Alan guides the child into a deeply relaxed state. This state is entirely safe and natural – it’s much like the feeling of being engrossed in a good book or a movie. When the child is in this relaxed state, their subconscious mind becomes more open to suggestions.
Alan then introduces positive suggestions and visualisations aimed at improving bladder control. For example, they might suggest to the subconscious mind that the child’s bladder can hold urine all night or that the child will wake up when their bladder is full. This approach can be particularly effective because it bypasses the conscious mind’s potential for doubt or disbelief, speaking directly to the part of the mind that can influence physical behaviour.

These positive suggestions can help modify the child’s night-time bladder control, reducing or even eliminating bed wetting episodes. This approach is tailored to each child’s needs and can address any associated issues, such as deep sleep or emotional stress, that may contribute to bed wetting.

Is Fast Track Hypnosis safe for children?

Yes, Fast Track Hypnosis is safe for children. Children, with their rich imagination and natural openness, can be particularly receptive to Fast Track Hypnosis.
Fast Track Hypnosis does not involve any physical intervention or the use of medications. Instead, it employs relaxation and visualisation techniques to achieve a state of focused attention. In this deeply relaxed state, the child’s subconscious mind can accept positive suggestions for change. Children find the experience of Fast Track Hypnosis enjoyable and relaxing.

What does a typical Fast Track Hypnosis session look like for a child struggling with bedwetting?

Each Fast Track Hypnosis session is tailored to the individual child’s needs and comfort levels, but there are some common elements that you can expect.
Firstly, Alan creates a calm and comfortable environment for the child. The child is encouraged to lie down in a relaxed position. Alan will start by establishing rapport with the child, using simple language to explain what will happen. This is crucial for making the child feel safe and understood.
The next step is induction, where Alan guides the child into a deeply relaxed state. This could be done through a story, a visualisation, or by asking the child to focus on their breath or a specific object.

Once the child is relaxed, Alan introduces positive suggestions to the child’s subconscious mind. These suggestions are specific to the issue at hand – in this case, bed wetting. Alan may also teach the child self-hypnosis techniques that they can use at home before bed. This reinforces the positive suggestions and gives the child a sense of control over their problem. At the end of each session, the child is gently guided out of the relaxed state.

What kind of results can I expect from Fast Track Hypnosis for bed wetting?

The results of Fast Track Hypnosis for bed wetting are very good, parents report significant improvements in their child’s bed wetting after their Fast Track Hypnosis session.

Some children may see an immediate improvement after their first session, while for others, the change may be gradual over several weeks. The key is persistence and consistency. Fast Track Hypnosis sessions, along with practising suggested self-hypnosis techniques at home, lead to the best results.
In terms of the kind of improvements, the vast majority children completely stop wetting the bed, while others experience a decrease in the frequency of bed wetting episodes. In addition, children often gain improved self-confidence and reduced anxiety around bedtime and sleeping, which can have broader positive effects on their well-being.

How can parents support their child’s progress in Fast Track Hypnosis for bed wetting?

Parents play a pivotal role in their child’s success. Their involvement, understanding, and support can significantly boost the efficacy of the therapy. Here are some tips for parents:

A. Patience and Understanding: Bed wetting is an involuntary action, and it’s important not to blame or punish your child for it. Reassure them that it’s a common issue that many kids face and it’s not their fault.

B. Support Through the Process: Accompany your child to the Fast Track Hypnosis sessions and be involved in the process. Understand what’s happening and what’s expected from your child. The more informed you are, the better you can support your child.

C. Reinforce the Therapy at Home: Alan provides suggestions or techniques that can be practised at home. Reinforcing these methods can amplify the therapy’s impact.
This would include practising self-hypnosis techniques with your child or creating a calming pre-sleep routine.

D. Open Communication: Regularly talk with your child about their feelings and progress. Are they finding the sessions helpful? Are they feeling more confident? Encourage them to express any concerns or fears they may have.

E. Celebrate Progress: Even small improvements are a big deal! Celebrate progress, no matter how small it may seem. This can boost your child’s confidence and motivation.

Are there any side effects of Fast Track Hypnosis for bedwetting?

Fast Track Hypnosis is a safe and natural process that doesn’t typically cause any negative side effects. It involves guiding the child into a deeply relaxed state and making positive suggestions to their subconscious mind – there’s no medication or invasive procedures involved.
One of the benefits of hypnotherapy is that it’s a very individualised treatment. As a leading Hypnotherapist, Alan Gilchrist tailors the process to each child, taking into account their comfort level, individual needs, and personality.

How does Fast Track Hypnosis for bed wetting compare to other treatment methods?

Traditional treatment methods often start with lifestyle changes such as reducing liquid intake before bed, avoiding caffeine, and encouraging regular toilet use. If these don’t work, bed wetting alarms are often the next step, and for persistent cases, medication might be prescribed.
However, all these methods have their limitations. Lifestyle changes are simple but can be difficult to maintain consistently. Bed wetting alarms can be effective but are often disruptive to the child’s (and family’s) sleep.
Medication usually only provides a temporary solution and doesn’t address the underlying problem.
Fast Track Hypnosis offers a different approach. Instead of managing the symptoms of bed wetting, it aims to address the child’s subconscious mind. This is where Fast Track Hypnosis excels, as it can access and influence the subconscious mind directly.
Fast Track Hypnosis can help the child establish new patterns of behaviour, such as waking up to use the bathroom or holding urine throughout the night. Additionally,it also focuses on improving self-confidence and reducing anxiety, which can indirectly benefit the issue of bed wetting.

Can the progress from hypnotherapy for bedwetting be maintained long-term?

One of the significant benefits of Fast Track Hypnosis is that it’s aimed at creating lasting change. Unlike some traditional methods which merely control or manage the symptoms, it seeks to access and influence the subconscious mind, where our automatic behaviours, including bladder control, are managed.

By using positive suggestions and visualisations, Fast Track Hypnosis can help to establish new patterns of behaviour, such as waking up to use the bathroom when needed or maintaining bladder control throughout the night. Once these new patterns are established, they can continue to be used long after the sessions have ended.


Got a question for Alan, want to book an appointment or find out more information?

Call Alan on 02890 333303, email [email protected]

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